Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit


Path of Spirit

July 2007

Jul 31, 2007

Obedience and Resonating Web
Mystical Church as Living Icon of Christ
Saying For Today: "This "Yes" resonates, touching everyone and ushering in the mystery of the Kingdom of God and the graces of Christ. "

Jul 30, 2007

Clouds in Spiritual Skies
Moods and Prayer
Saying For Today: "Contemplatives live, in increasing embrace, Love transcending and encompassing dualities of mood in a unity of Devotion."

Jul 29, 2007

Adapting to God's Love
Beyond Evading Grace
Saying For Today: "God~Love challenges and changes us to the core and outward, and the integration of such unconditional, transforming Affection can be disturbing to our adjustment to living with less than such marvelous Grace. "

Jul 28, 2007

Contemplation and Wisdom
The Challenge of Being Contemplatively Impractical
Saying For Today: "Consecrate yourself and your limitations to Christ daily. "

Jul 27, 2007

Gazing on Christ Crucified
Christ Jesus Our Mirror
Saying For Today: "I choose to see in the crucified Christ the human condition as broken and as a prelude to the resurrection of spiritual Life in creation. "

Jul 25, 2007

A Shining Forth
The Appearances of God
Saying For Today: "In this immanent process, Spirit is working among us, and we are to work together in consort with Spirit to embody and share righteousness in human relations, so that history and nature will become a New Creation for all peoples and creatures. "

Jul 24, 2007

This Love Beyond
A Mystical Love Poem

Jul 23, 2007

The Tiniest House of Time
Connecting with All-Potential
Saying For Today: "Faith is that openness, even if sometimes trembling, sometimes exulting, that makes us available in this single point of eternity to all the resources within and through One. "

Jul 21, 2007

Sacrament and Sacraments
Contemplation and Grace
Saying For Today: "Neither doing nor thinking is definitive, rather being is definitive for defining what it means to be a Christian. "

Jul 20, 2007

The Talkative Lover
Shutting Up and Opening Up
Saying For Today: "I am a Pastor. I never cease to be amazed at how afraid many Christians are of receiving the Love of God and the compassion of fellow Christians."

Jul 18, 2007

Personal, Intimate Tradition
Honoring the Intimate Beginnings
Saying For Today: "The only alternative to the risk of open tradition is the death of tradition altogether. "

Jul 17, 2007

Being A Spiritual Nomad
The Faithfulness of Not-Knowing
Saying For Today: "I can only trust that my not-knowing honors You and is more dignified than the bland certainties that spot the religious landscape of masses of people. "

Jul 14, 2007

Service and Poverty of Spirit
Gifted and Graced Self-Giving
Saying For Today: "My trying to be and do what I cannot for others and God can be a subtly disguised form of spiritual pride, which is the very opposite of Christlike poverty of spirit. Can the violin gives its special contribution to the symphony of God if trying to sound like the piano? "

Jul 13, 2007

The Child of Salt
Who Are You?

Jul 12, 2007

Little Molly Is Real!
On Compassionate Living
Saying For Today: "God must be the Center of that subjectivity, the Subject of our subjecting within us, each and together, all ourselves to all of God."

Jul 11, 2007

Being Colorless
The Mystery of the Other
Saying For Today: "As my thoughts become a barrier between God and me, they shut me off from the realization of the Beauty and Mystery of the other. When I see the other through any veil, I fail to see the other clearly. "

Jul 9, 2007

Being In Love
Contemplation's Challenge to Efficiency Spirituality
Saying For Today: "Silence opens the wordless prayer that is already being prayed in our deepest Heart ceaselessly."

Jul 7, 2007

The King and the Ears of Corn
Ecstatic Living
Saying For Today: "The more you expend yourself, the more is given you to expend. "

Jul 6, 2007

Poor Maisie's Foot Ache
Reality and Belief
Saying For Today: "There is much absurd religious belief, and appealing to the Bible or to God does not make what is absurd or silly either true or wise."

Jul 5, 2007

A New Beginning
Discovering Your Voice

Jul 3, 2007

What My Heart Was Shaped For
Mystical Love Poem

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