Path of Spirit
August 2008
Aug 18, 2008 |
A Counter-Move to Gossip
On Restoring The Other
Saying For Today: "Indeed, we can speak a truth about someone and it not need to be spoken; we can speak a truth about someone and it do a needless harm to him or her. Truth spoken, when the tongue ought to remain silent, can be a harsh, selfish act."
Aug 17, 2008 |
What We Are Really Looking For
On Spiritual Meaning
Aug 16, 2008 |
Muddy Water Clearing
On Discerning Divine Guidance
Saying For Today: "Spiritual discernment is as much about listening to your body as your brain."
Aug 15, 2008 |
Agony as Prayer
On Being a Priestly Means of Love
Saying For Today: "Agony, or struggle, for the other is an emotional act that can become prayer, if we choose voluntarily to offer that feeling to God and for the other, surrendering our lesser loving to being In Love, In Christ.
Aug 14, 2008 |
A Poisonous Root of Bitterness
On Healing of Hurt Feelings
Saying For Today: "In working prayerfully through bitterness, we must move past blaming someone outside us for our feelings."
Aug 13, 2008 |
The Shaping of Our Seeing Her
On The Communion of Saints
Saying For Today: "Indeed, the words in Christ imply all others in Christ, and without them I cannot be in Christ and Christ in me. She and I cannot be apart, for I am I only in Her, and She is She for being in me.
Aug 12, 2008 |
Getting on the Same Side
On Reconciliation
Saying For Today: "By submitting our willfulness at the Cross, we discontinue our striving for reconciliation by the very means of apartness that keeps us apart."
Aug 11, 2008 |
A Gift of Mystics
On Respect of the Divine Name
Saying For Today: "Mystics across world faiths offer to help save us from the subtle vain uses of the Divine Name that leads even to using God to judge one another, wield power over others, harm others, or sustain a war against another whole people."
Aug 10, 2008 |
Presence in a Sea of Spirituality
On Spiritual Manifestation
Saying For Today: "Indeed, if we are essentially spiritual beings living in a sea of Spirit, we should be amazed that we do not sense these subtle impressions of the Spirit much more often than we do.
Aug 9, 2008 |
Meditating on Divine Names and Qualities
On Arousing Connection with God
Saying For Today: "Form is a means of connecting with the Formless."
Aug 8, 2008 |
Keeping the Heart Open and Alive
On Innate Tenderness
Saying For Today: "Strength without heart is deadening to the soul, which lives only and ultimately on Love. "
Aug 7, 2008 |
Praying Beyond Criticism
On Not Judging Others
Saying For Today: "This praying beyond criticism takes humbleness, and we will not make this move until we become sick of our own critical words and attitude. Yet, this is the only path to liberation from the power of others' judgment of us."
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