An important question could be posed: "Do I have to forgive a person fully before I do Authoritative Prayer for her or him?" No. You can still be in the process of forgiving without having malice. We can engage in Authoritative Prayer for another person long before we have fully forgiven. Indeed, doing Authoritative Prayer for the other person can do two things: help free yourself from any dark energy moving between you two, and help you open more to the Spirit of forgiveness.
Finally, we are not to engage in Authoritative Prayer with a sense of moral superiority. If I engage in Authoritative Prayer for someone who has been hurtful to me or someone I love, I am not to do the Prayer with a sense of any "I am better" or "I am totally free from being a contributor to this negativity."
A passage from James applies to this humbleness essential to Authoritative Prayer: "Be humble in the Lord's presence, and he will honor you" (James 4.10, CEV). Then, writes: "11My friends, don't say cruel things about others! If you do, or if you condemn others, you are condemning God's Law. And if you condemn the Law, you put yourself above the Law and refuse to obey either it or God who gave it (James 4.11-12a, CEV).
So, in Authoritative Prayer, you do not do the Prayer in a spirit of condemnation, but Love. Love is the only Force in the universe that can overpower evil and set free from evil, freeing both the other and you.
I Peter addresses this same essential spirit of Christian humbleness:
5All of you young people should obey your elders. In fact, everyone should be humble toward everyone else. The Scriptures say,
"God opposes proud people, but he helps everyone who is humble."
6Be humble in the presence of God's mighty power, and he will honor you when the time comes.
Remember, the opening quote: Prayer is the conduit through which power from heaven is brought to earth. By humble and open connection to Christ, and through Christ for someone else, you can act on the behalf of Christ and through Christ for that person, in Love.
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*OneLife has been a free offering and not asked for donations or fees. However, charitable contributions would be appreciated to assist Brian in the continuance of his work of ministry. For contributions, contact Brian through the Inquiry below.
*Brian's book of mystical love poetry, An Ache for Union: Oneness with God through Love, can be ordered through major booksellers, or through the Cokesbury on-line store, at .
*Brian K. Wilcox lives with his two beloved dogs, St. Francis and Bandit Ty, in Southwest Florida. He serves the Christ Community United Methodist Church, Punta Gorda, FL. Brian is vowed at Greenbough House of Prayer, a contemplative Christian community in South Georgia. He lives a contemplative life and inspires others to experience a more intimate relationship with Christ. Brian advocates for a spiritually-focused Christianity and renewal of the focus of the Church on addressing the deeper spiritual needs and longings of persons, along with empathic relating with other world religions, East and West. Brian has an independent writing, workshop, and retreat ministry, for all spiritual seekers.